January 1-7, 2024 (Dane County Big Year)

Big Year 2024

This year, I’m going for a Big Year in Dane county. It is something I’ve tried two years ago (more specifically, trying to be in Top 10 ebirder in Dane County by species seen). I don’t think I fully realized how much time and effort it would take. I burned out in July. I always thought a goal like this was for the retired birders, but that’s wrong. There are full time working birders way up there too. Anyways, this year I give it another try. Happy Birding!

Sandhill Cranes at Nine Springs

Monday, January 1, 2024

January 1st is one of my favorite days in the year. Every bird is a “new” bird for me. Every bird is exciting, even the House Sparrows and Starlings. My list starts over.

I birded - Ferchland Place, Nine Springs, Lake Farm County Park, Tenney Park and Lakeshore Nature Preserve.

Fun day birding with “Chilly”.

This winter has been extremely warm. Check out the difference of Ferchland Place from 2022 and 2024.

Ferchland Place 2022 - Temperature -3F

Ferchland Place 2024 - Temperature 35F

Dane County Species: 26

Minutes Birded Today: 123 minutes

Miles Birded Today: 2.01 miles

Common Goldeneyes at Tenney Park

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

A quick check to Tenney Park to check for White-winged Scoter and Long-tailed Duck. It was very windy and cold. Did not see the Scoter or Long-tailed Duck.

Dane County Species: 27

Minutes Birded Today: 24 minutes

Miles Birded Today: 0.46 miles

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

No birding. With the short days, the only time I get to go birding is before work. I attempted to wake up early, but I struggled to get out of bed.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

No birding. I had an appointment before work…

Friday, January 5, 2024

I woke up early enough! Another visit to Tenney Park to check for the White-winged Scoter and Long-tailed Duck. Missed them again, but I had a nice quick chat with Ruth.

Dane County Species: 29

Minutes Birded Today: 40 minutes

Miles Birded Today: 0.29 miles

Feminist Bird Club Chapter of Madison outing at Holy Wisdom Monastery

Saturday, January 6, 2024

This was my day to catch up! I was only at 29 species. The number 1 spot was around 60 species. I was ready to get up early and bird the entire morning until the Feminist Bird Club (FBC) Chapter of Madison outing at 1:00 pm at Holy Wisdom Monastery. I woke up at 5:30 am. It snowed. It snowed just enough to where I didn’t feel comfortable driving. My morning plans were ruined, but the FBC outing was great!

Dane County Species: 36

Minutes Birded Today: 107 minutes

Miles Birded Today: 2.3 miles

Sunday, January 7, 2024

One of my favorite birding buddies, Hillary, spent the morning birding with me. Our target species were Red Crossbills at the Yahara Hills Golf Course and waterfowl at Lakeshore Nature Preserve. We didn’t find the Crossbills, but added a few species like Red-breasted Nuthatch and Red-tailed Hawk. After about an hour at the golf course, we headed out.

A quick stop by the landfill to check for a Lesser Black-backed Gull. No gull. We didn’t see much, but it was interesting to check out a spot we would not normally go to.

Next stop, Lakeshore Nature Preserve. We picked up the waterfowl on our way to Picnic Point. Then took a slightly longer way back to hopefully pick up some birds in the woods.

Finished the day at UW Arboretum (Spring Trail Pond) and Tenney Park.

Dane County Species: 46

Minutes Birded Today: 172 minutes

Miles Birded Today: 4.32 miles

Other Weekly Stats:

Minutes Birded: 466 minutes (7.76 hours)

Miles Birded: 9.38 miles

Checklists: 12 checklists

Hotspots Visited:

Ferchland Place

Nine Springs

Lake Farm County Park

Tenney Park

Holy Wisdom Monastery

Yahara Hills Golf Course (Google Link, no eBird hotspot)

Dane County Land Fill (Google Link, no eBird hotspot) (no checklist submitted)

Lakeshore Nature Preserve

UW Arboretum (Spring Trail Pond)

eBird Trip Report (January 1-7)

Week 1 Trip Report (46 Species)

Check out my videos for this week:

Benjamin Lam